

Complete Task Management Solution

Tasky is a simple Task Management tool for your team.

Tasky is a Self Hosted Task Management Solution designed for Small & Medium size companies to efficiently manage employee's tasks.

Tasky has a curated list of modules, easy to understand & operate, scalable, and well-planned future development roadmap.

Live Demo

Tasky Live Demo

Tasky Dashboard


Complete & Fully White-labeled Task Management Solution The features available with Tasky & its future development roadmap keeps you assured that you are choosing the perfect tool for the organization.

Always Up-to-date

Built with Latest Version of Laravel 9 (Supports PHP 8.1), Vue.js 3 & Tailwind CSS 3 & offering highest level of security & performance.

Built as SPA

It is built as Single Page Application, components are loaded dynamically as & when required without page refresh.


It offers REST API for future usecase, Use it to build Mobile App or integrate with other project.

Elegant Syntax

It is written with elegant syntax, Uses most advance concept of Laravel & Vue.js to deliver high quality project


Tasky offers 360 degree Task Management solution for your company starting from Employee Management to Task Management at an affordable cost. The super-simple & easy interface helps users to understand & used-to the application quickly.

Powerful Config & Permission

You can configure Tasky to make it the best fit for your need. Multiple roles & role and user based permission make Tasky super powerful.

Complete Employee Records & Insights

Tasky allows you to store detailed information of your Employees. Change in important records are recorded date wise so you can get history of employee records.

Hierarchy based Access Control

Any employee with higher designation can access records of low designation employee. While low designation employee won't be able to access the same.

Create & Assign Tasks

Tasky allows you to create & assign tasks to your employees. Task is accessible only to the employee assigned with the task. You can also attach media files to your task.

Track Task Progress

Tasks can have set of checklists based on which task progress is determined. You can set different permissions to the assigned employee who can perform actions.

Recurring Tasks

You can also set a task as recurring. Task can be repeated based on the frequency you have set. Each recurring task is automatically assigned to the employees.

One Time Purchase, Lifetime Usage!

Regular/Minified License Term

ScriptMint offers the following license terms to use the script:

  • Non-exclusive, non-transferable, lifetime license.
  • Permits hosting a single instance of the script on your server.
  • Permits customization of the website to meet your specific requirements.
  • Grants access to updates and support during the valid support period.

Extended/Developer License Term

ScriptMint offers the following license terms to use the script:

  • Non-exclusive, non-transferable, lifetime license.
  • Permits hosting multiple instances of the script on your server.
  • Permits customization of the website & other parts of the script to meet your specific requirements.
  • Grants access to updates and support during the valid support period.


  • Prohibits for re-selling, sub-licensing, or redistribution, even if offered for free.
  • Prohibits from uploading or sharing the script publicly
  • Prohibits creating derivative works, superficial copies, or "as-is" versions of the script for the purpose of selling or distributing them

Live Demo

Tasky Live Demo

43 Sales



Regular License

Complete Task Management Solution for Personal Use

Single Payment

Activation Limit : 2

Validity : ∞


Validity : 6 Month

Renew : $49.00 / 1 Year

Extended License

Complete Task Management Solution for Commercial Use

Single Payment

Activation Limit : ∞

Validity : ∞


Validity : 6 Month

Renew : $999.00 / 1 Year