Introduction to MintUI

MintUI Setup

April 1, 2023 5:30 AM


Starting a new project is NO LONGER a pain! Starting a new project consumes a lot of time to build core features. Whether you are individual or a team, you need to take care of core features in the frontend as well as backend.

Vana Admin can significantly reduce your development time to quickly build & deliver your next web project. You can significantlyl speed up your development with Vana Admin.


Live Demo

To check the Live Demo, visit

Demo resets in every 2 hours. To restrict deletion of data & changing configuration, some actions are disabled in the Live Demo.

Key Highlights

Everything You Need

Vana Admin covers every features required to start a web application. You get a authentication, authorization, tons of built in features along with theming, mobile responsiveness.

Easy to Use

Vana Admin can be set up in a few minutes. The super-simple & easy interface helps users to quickly understand the concept and built features over it.


Vana Admin offers 100% white-labeled solution. You can put your own company brand & assets everywhere. It also offers support & on-demand customization

Advance Concept

Vana Admin can be used by begineers / intermediate users to learn advance concept of Vutal Stack or by experts to quickly build quality projects.

Laravel 10.x (PHP 8.2 Support)

  • Sanctum, Socialite Auth
  • API Resources & Policies
  • Macro/Mixins & Traits
  • Actions & Services
  • Pipelines & Observers

VueJS 3.x

  • Composition API
  • Script Setup Syntax
  • Vue Router & Async Component Loading
  • VueX Modular Store
  • Vite.js - Next Generation Frontend Tool
  • Emitter & Localization
  • 50+ Form & UI Components

Tailwind CSS 3.x

  • Extreme Lightweight < 25KB (production)
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Theming
  • Dark Mode
  • Transitions
  • Support Modern Browsers

Technology Used

  • Laravel 10.x
  • MySQL 8.x
  • Vue.js 3.x
  • Tailwind CSS 3.x
  • Vite.js 5.x

Browser Support

Mordern browser only

Feedback & Suggestions

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please write us at


If you find any security issues, please write us at

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