How to setup Company?

LiteHRM Features

April 1, 2023 5:30 AM


To start working with LiteHRM, you need to create Departments, Designations & Branch.

Lets check each of them one by one:


Departments are division of your company dealing with a specific area of activity.

You can filter the results & also perform sorting & ordering by given columns. Users with export permission can take print outs, generate PDF or export as excel sheet.


Available Permissions

Name Action
department:read List departments
department:create Create departments
department:edit Edit departments
department:delete Delete departments
department:export Export department list

To create new department, you can click on "Add New Department" button.

Department Form

Once you create departments, you can assign it to your employes.


Branches are the official job titles given to employees of your company. Designation supports hierarchical structure. You can add a designation with parent designation.

Subordinate designations are designation under a parent designation.

You can filter the results & also perform sorting & ordering by given columns. Users with export permission can take print outs, generate PDF or export as excel sheet.


Available Permissions

Name Action
designation:read List designations
designation:create Create designations
designation:edit Edit designations
designation:delete Delete designations
designation:admin-access Access all designations
designation:self-access Access self designations
designation:subordinate-access Access subordinate designations
designation:export Export designation list

To create new designation, you can click on "Add New Designation" button.

Designation Form

Once you create designations, you can assign it to your employes. "Access all designation" permission will allow the designated employee to access all other employee. "Access self designation" permission will allow the designated employee to access all the employees having same designation. "Access subordinate designation" permission will allow designated employee to access all lower designation of the employee.


Branches are the location, where a business of your company is conducted. Branch supports hierarchical structure. You can add a branch with parent branch.

Subordinate branchs are branch under a parent branch.

You can filter the results & also perform sorting & ordering by given columns. Users with export permission can take print outs, generate PDF or export as excel sheet.


Available Permissions

Name Action
branch:read List branches
branch:create Create branches
branch:edit Edit branches
branch:delete Delete branches
branch:admin-access Access all branches
branch:self-access Access self branches
branch:subordinate-access Access subordinate branches
branch:export Export branch list

To create new branch, you can click on "Add New Branch" button. "Access all branch" permission will allow the employee to access all other employee. "Access self branch" permission will allow the employee to access all the employees having same branch. "Access subordinate branch" permission will allow employee to access all lower branch of the employee.

Branch Form

Once you create branches, you can assign it to your employes. If you have no branch, you can create "Head Office" as your default branch.

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